
Chris Lindeman: Technical Solutions Expert

For years, Chris has been building bespoke solutions to everyday and uncommon problems locally and in the cloud, through simple process redesgin to complex AI systems integration.


A Little Bit

About Me

I've always been a builder. Shed? Yep. Potato gun? No problem. Hell, I even built my own house from the shambles of an abandoned and rotting building. In 2012 I was hit by a drunk driver, and nearly died. My leg was cut apart and I was bound to a wheelchair while I spent that year having 11 surgeries to save my leg. I couldn't continue working the oilfields, so I needed a change. I went back to school and started thinking about what I'd do when I got back on my feet (literally). Now I'm back to building things - digital solutions to other people's problems.


Years of Experience


Projects Complteted


Degrees Earned

Full Story

Few Words From My Clients



Person 1

Project Manager

The results that came from Chris taking it upon himself to reimagine our business processes led us to cut costs of remedial staff work significantly and improve the speed of customer issue resolution by 3000%. This guy does wonders!


Person 2

Chief Technology Officer

Our flagship product is the result of Chris' ability to get to the root of the problems and design a comprehensive solution. The foundation he laid allowed us to easily update and improve our process and models, 


Person 3


Chris has been invaluable in helping to guide our small project into a replicable system with his AI system design for our organization. Now our mission can spread easily, as we have a blueprint for expansion.